Sunday, 17 October 2021

Stepping Back into Saxon England and Other News

 It's been a while since I posted a new article here. There's a good reason, honestly!

The middle months of 2021 went by in a rush, filled with the tasks of getting The Sins of the Father out into the world, and writing blog posts for all the kind bloggers and authors who agreed to help me spread the word. The reviews have been wonderful so far.

I wrote some posts for this blog, here, too, but decided to hold them back until the paperback was published. There was a delay at the printers, unfortunately, so it will be a few weeks until the paperback edition is available.

Something else was also going on though, and that was a joint mini blog tour undertaken with Helen Hollick.

We timed it to coincide with the anniversary of the battle of Hastings and you can find all the posts here:

My posts for Helen's Blog

Monday Mystery: The Staffordshire Hoard

Wednesday Wandering: Sites Associate with Saxon England (and standing in fields getting emotional)

Friday Furries: Anglo-Saxon Animals and the uses they were put to.

Three Questions and Answers

Helen's posts on my blog

What If? Some other events in history that might have been turned upside down

Why did Harold Godwineson make that fateful trip to Normandy?

Three Questions and Answers

I hope you find some - or all - of these articles of interest. Stay tuned for some posts relating to The Sins of the Father and an announcement about the paperback release...